Sunday, October 18, 2015

Battle Post - A message to the community (2015/10/18)

Frankly, the game is just...dying. Things are getting repetitive and the pace is very slow.

But guys, this is a game we have played / invested / addicted into for every long (for me it's already half an year, which is very long for a mobile game). If we don't support the game, the game will wilt and developers will focus on something else and will be over.

So... what we can do to support the game besides playing? I am not saying to pay for tcrystals. I can think of some ideas:

1. Make suggestions in the forum. Note, what I am saying is "suggestion" that is contributive, but not raging on things. Good tones can make everyone happy and helpful, and then rebuild the community.

2. Try new things. Reinhard was once bad and when someone give him a chance, he outperformed most of the tanks. There is no "the best" in this game. It's up to you to decide what fits you.

3. And last but not least, enjoy the game by heart. If you are not enjoying it, you will not continue.

Not only me having the same thought. Here is a friend of mine responding to this:
Richie's Post


  1. It's very sad the game is dying. I've loved this game since I found it. So Kenny, i'm a bilingual speaker (Spanish-English) so I've decided to create a blog for the Spanish community, because right now, you and Rich C are working on the English community. so this way I wanna help the spanish community and boost the popularity of the game in Spanish speakers. So tell me what you think about it?

    1. Ya thats a super great idea! I was thinking to have a chinese blog version, a translated version of what i will post here.

      It u need any help, feel free to tell me or GamerRichie!

    2. Thanks man! I will do it. So here is the URL of the blog: actually is in Spanish, but you can translate. See ya! :)

    3. And you should go ahead with the Chinese blog bro! ;)

    4. Good way to learn some spanish haha

  2. Wait, Kenny, I'm kind of noob compared to the guys in the comments, 'cuz I'm prestige 38, close to 39, and the highest hero I have is level 41, Bellerophron. Before I thought Bellerophron was super good, because of the Arcane Portal and all, and everyone I faced tried to target him first with a bunch of ninjas, and so I put my best equipment on him and upgraded his skill to level 7... but I saw GameRiche's posts about Bellephron sucking so . . . should I continue to invest or should I just cut him out? I still kinda like him since he kinda saves my butt in close matches with the arcane portal, and the arcane portal ends up saving my life. Cuz in the close matches, all other heroes (along with their squads) like level 40 Lancelot (level 8 skill which is pretty darn epic), Kelly (i dont know if i should cut her out since I don't think she's too good), Leonidas (even with the sparta thing he dies pretty quick in close matches), Urza (i dont know if i should cut her out), etc.

    I just got Seamas, I think he's pretty tanky so far I've used him, and plus i like his art, don't judge lol. I think I'm certainly going to keep him, but I'm worried about like whether or not I should cut out heroes or not. These are some possible heroes that I might cut out:

    Bellephron - I really don't want to cut him, since I really like him, but if GameRiche think so, I'm not a pro so...

    Urza - Well, I don't know. She's a pretty good 4 star. I really like the second life thing, because I think it pisses of the guy who's killing me and makes him/her go, "JUST DIE ALREADY!!!"

    3-star musketeers - I have Donald and Alfred, both are pretty decent, I think, they perform their skills pretty often and decently, I've had them both attack a single squad once and they did firebombs at different intervals and pretty soon the Reinhard group died. Well, of course, Reinhard was distracted by my Tyler.

    3-star pavisers - I've got Tyler, which has pretty decent attack and squad, he's maxed out squad (76) and 14 pavisers with him. I don't know if I should switch him with the guy like Lambkin or McCue.

    Thanks, tho i know that was a lot to read :D

    1. Hi Bob! No worries you will be expert soon.

      Whether to use the hero or not greatly depend on your preference. People used to say 4 infantries in a rally is bad, but i still use them anyway.

      But you can see if my view on your heroes are helpful:
      1. Bellerophon: He is a late game hero when minions become more powerful. Since you have used him for a while, doesn't hurt to go on unless you get Nicola. Nicola is very powerful until PL90. After that PL, Bellerophon might be better than Nicola
      2. Urza: i dont recommend using him as there are better choices (all other 4* pikemen are better than him). Even 3* spartan is better so i would replace him soonest possible.
      3. 3* musketeers: they are AWESOME so keep them, until you get Terim and Sarky. You might consider Edward as well i like him a lot.
      4. 3* paviser: i think dwarves paviser might be slightly better than morning star one simply because skill damage is everything at your PL (imagine enemy having 3 to 4 3* musketeers)

      Summers (aka Seamas) is super great tank so keep him. Kelly is a good tank as well, not as good as Summers tho.

      Hope this helps!
